Friday, September 24, 2010

6 Months!

We are 6 months along already! I can't believe it. It's really going fast. We had an appointment last week and found out that Baby Tay is heathy and active. Everything is great! I've still be feeling great, except my feet have been a bit sore in the evening. I used to complain when my mom would ask for foot I'm understanding how great they feel! :)  haha!

It's been so exciting lately because four of my very close girl friends are also expecting. They are all due a month or less after us. They are all finding out what they are having and enjoying that exciting 20 week ultra sound. Beth and Jared had their appointment and remained strong..they decided to keep it a will be pretty cool to find out what Baby Scheckel is in February!

Here's the new baby bump picture!

School is going great! We only have two more weeks of volleyball and football, so that extra time in the evenings will be awesome.

We're looking forward to a weekend of football fun...tomorrow we'll do some tailgating and enjoy the ISU/UNI game.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. I'm praying the rain stays away.