Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Busy Mommy, Daddy, & Baby!!

Well, it's that time of the year again!! We are BUSY and trying to get back in the swing of things!
Blair and I are both back to school and football practice is well under way. Tate started at his NEW daycare. So far things are going great there, and we are very thankful for Deb, our wonderful daycare gal (who lives 15 steps from our door)!

Today was my fourth day of school. I have quite the class of kiddos, and I'm now remembering some of the BIG differences between third and sixth graders. For example...keeping our hands to ourselves and following the smallest of directions! Thank God they are cute! :)

Anyways, Tate is really the busy one! He's on the move!!!

Today we got our first 'boo-boo' at daycare...
A skinned chin (Deb said Tate thinks he can walk along the fireplace ledge..)
Honestly, this picture doesn't do it justice! Ouch!

I have to share this next picture because this is where we always find him...in the bathroom, playing with the vent. If he goes MIA, we always know where to find him! haha!
Makes me laugh everytime I find him there.

And I have to share this last picture because he just looks adorable...smelling good, and all ready for bed!I love this little stud-muffin!

Thanks for reading! I hope you're having a wonderful week!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

7 months old!

Taterbean is 7 months old today!

Here's what he's been up to....
-He's on expert crawler
-Loves pulling himself up to everything
-Stands in his crib and 'yells' for mom or dad in the morning (this is the best because he's always so happy in the morning)
-He isn't a big eater....couldnt care less about food, but eats 4-5 oz every 4 hours (and NOT an oz more) and has fruits in the morning and veggies in the evening. We are also starting 'puffs' and he's starting to get the hang of them!
-Does "Patty Cake", bye-bye, and dances! Also, shakes his head no-no when he's done eating!

Here is a picture from today! Getting soo big!

Love you Taterbean!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Good bye summer...

Well, it's time to kiss this summer break good-bye! I can't believe we are preparing for another school year. Things are going to be so different. This year I will be teaching 3rd grade at Colo-NESCO.....28 of those little angels, might I add! I'm looking forward to a fresh start, but I know I still have lots to do. I've been spending lots of time in my classroom, so I can use my inservice days to worry about curriculum. Wish me luck! This year I don't have to worry about coaching volleyball, I decided that school and Tate would be plenty. We'll leave the coaching to Blair! :)
Yesterday we went to the State Fair and met Kay and her family. We had such a great time. Tate did great!! He was so good! I think he just enjoyed all the people watching, just like his mommy! I hadn't been to the fair in 16 years, and it was just like I remembered! I couldn't wait to try some good food, so I got the first thing I saw.....A philly cheese steak! I was scared that if I didn't get it, I wouldn't find that stand back. That was a mistake, because I found like 30 other things I would've rather had! Lesson learned!! :) We never found the red velvet funnel cake, but we enjoyed a regular funnel cake and some salt water taffy!! Anyways, it was a great day, the weather was perfect, and we got to enjoy lots of calories!
Tate is finally sleeping better too, so Blair and I are feeling a bit more rested as well! We thought he had an ear infection, but the Doc said he was good to go and told us to let him cry it out. He was waking up 2-3 times a night for the past 2 weeks! So, the first night he cried for 22 mins..it was brutal for this mama, but it has seemed to help. He's been sleeping since!!! (Knock on wood)

Well, that's my Taylor update for the evening! Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

We have a crawler...look out!

Look out!! Tate is on the MOVE!!! He is officially a crawler. It's kind of an awkward one leg crawl, but it gets him from point A to point B.

Exhibit A:

He has also figured out how to pull himself up. I walked into the living room last week and this is how I found him...
At least he was in his toys this time :)

We decieded that we better hit up the big Story County Fair. It was fun to show Tate the animals and he even reached out for the sheep and goats! He's just like his mama...he wants to show sheep too! Oh jeez, lets hope not!

I'm sad to say that our summer break is coming to an end! I can't believe it. Blair and I both start school on August 15th! Here's to another week of freedom....