Wednesday, August 3, 2011

We have a crawler...look out!

Look out!! Tate is on the MOVE!!! He is officially a crawler. It's kind of an awkward one leg crawl, but it gets him from point A to point B.

Exhibit A:

He has also figured out how to pull himself up. I walked into the living room last week and this is how I found him...
At least he was in his toys this time :)

We decieded that we better hit up the big Story County Fair. It was fun to show Tate the animals and he even reached out for the sheep and goats! He's just like his mama...he wants to show sheep too! Oh jeez, lets hope not!

I'm sad to say that our summer break is coming to an end! I can't believe it. Blair and I both start school on August 15th! Here's to another week of freedom....

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your crawler! :) Good for Tate! Will, on the other hand, is happy just sitting there...and rolling from his back to his tummy?? That is WAY too hard. :) Ha!
