Thursday, August 12, 2010

It's a BOY!

Baby Taylor is a BOY!!! We're very excited! He's healthy and measuring perfectly. He wasn't shy at all and right way showed us his little 'dude'! He was sucking his thumb just about the whole time--it was so cute!
It was such a cool thing because the ultra sound tech put the probe on my stomach and within a second we could see the sex. She goes, "ok, if you look right now you can see exactly what you're having." There was no doubt! I looked over at Blair and he was smiling from ear to ear! He's one excited Daddy-To-Be!
Bridget, my close friend, was here visiting us so she got to hang out with this mommy all day. I even made her to come to BabiesRus so I could make a 'blue' purchase!

We're so blessed and I can't thank God enough for this little blessing...simply a miracle!


  1. congrats again! glad to hear he is healthy and you look wicked cute prego :)

  2. Becca told me you were having a boy - CONGRATS! Also - welcome to the blogging world. :) We have one I have been updating since Keatin was born - you should check it out! (

  3. Congrats Martina!! I'm so excited for you guys! You look SO cute pregnant! I love it!

    P.S. Welcome to blogging =)
