Sunday, January 19, 2014

A 3-Year-Old

I can't believe that our Taterbean is three!! How is it possible? We had such a fun time this year celebrating. On the Saturday before his birthday, we had a small family birthday party. He picked the theme this year and went with John Deere. It was pretty cute- a perfect theme for a little boy!
He had such a blast and was spoiled like crazy.

Playing tractors with Kayson

Cora taking Tate for a spin

Impossible to get a good family picture, but this one is pretty funny


Tate the referee

Getting spoiled

On Tate's real birthday the three of us celebrated by going to his favorite restaurant, Hickory Park. How could he not love it? Grilled cheese, ice cream, and they sing to him! :)

Hickory Park birthday treat

We have his three year appointment this week and I can't wait to see how much he's grown.
 But for now, this is what's Tate's been up to:

-LOVES tractors of all kinds and has farm shows daily. The sweetest part about it is that he always mentions Papa Dick when he plays with his farm things. So precious.
-Is also into Disney Cars and Planes. He loves watching the movies.
-Has been working on letters and sounds but sometimes he's just not interested.
-LOVES books. Some nights we read for an hour before bed. He is such a good listener!
-Has been very into his daddy. In the month of December, Blair was less busy because of winter break from his classes. Tate took advantage of this, and now usually chooses Dad over Mom.
-LOVES to sing and dance. If it involves music, he's hooked. I love riding in the car listening to him sing his little heart out.
-Is getting used to the idea of have a little sister. He often talks about her, and asks when she's going to get here. When we ask him what we should name her he always replies, "Baby Tate." I always tell him that I can't have two Baby Tates and he just says that he's not the baby anymore! :)
-Is obsessed with his cousin, Kayson. It's funny because he wants to do everything like Kayson, but sometimes when they're together they fight like crazy. Most of the time they play pretty well together though.
-Is excited that we visited a preschool. He will most likely go to preschool two days a week in the fall. The only problem is- he thinks he's going to ride a bus. I don't know how we're going to break it to him that there won't be a bus quite yet! ha!

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