Wednesday, January 18, 2012


We took Tate to the doctor on Monday for his one year appointment. There's no other way to put it--He's a peanut.

One Year Stats:
Weight: 17 lbs. 1.5 oz. (0 Percentile)
Height: 27.5 in. (2nd Percentile)

We aren't able to switch to whole milk quite yet (which I was looking forward to). We have to use the toddler formula and Dr. Nau says we need to push the calories.
Also, they did some growth hormone testing just to make sure that everything is ok.
I'm sure he's just fine. I'm certain he's just active and he eats constantly!! :)

We aren't walking yet and seem to be quite content crawling.  Little stinker!

He continues to make us smile everyday and he's got the best little personality!

I just can't believe we have a ONE-YEAR-OLD!

Love you, Taterbean!

1 comment:

  1. May be a little guy...but SO handsome! :) We should get together and play sometime...maybe with Jack and Reid too!
