Monday, May 30, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy...

We just finished a very BUSY but FUN weekend! Tate had lots of firsts this weekend...first time seeing some of his relatives, first time staying in a hotel, and first time swimming!

Friday we headed to Creston to stay at Gma and Gpa Taylors. We went out for dinner and then settled in for the evening.

We got up Saturday morning and Tate stayed at the house with Gpa and Daddy. I headed to help Jean Ann prepare for a catering job. We prepared for that most of the morning and then came home to have lunch and relax a bit. In the afternoon, the three of us went to Diagonal to see some of the Taylor clan---Great Gma and Gpa, Great Great Gma Ann, and Blair's aunts and uncles and cousins.
Dad and Tate continued to play with the relatives and I headed to Afton to help Jean Ann serve. It was such a good time...and we even made tips!

On Sunday, we got up early and drove from Creston back to Nevada. We stayed home for four hours..did three loads of laundry, let Tate stretch, and then got back on the road. This time we went to opposite direction and headed for Minnesota to attend two of my cousins' graduation parties. We met up with my parents first. Again Tate met a lot of family members for the first time. We stayed in a hotel in Albert Lea.
This morning we woke up and took Tate to the pool for the first time. He LOVED it and was mesmerized by all the water. Today we spent the afternoon at the outlet mall in Medford doing a little shopping!

Cousins--Matt, Katie, and Kyle

Relaxin' at the hotel with Gma and Gpa Siemers

SO..needless to say we had a busy weekend, but I think we all had a great time. Tate was wonderful and never really made a peep. He was so content, slept well, and traveled like a champ!!

Alright, I'm preparing for my last day of school with the kiddos! Tomorrow is my last day as a sixth grade teacher!

Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

  1. Last day as a 6th grade teacher?! Are you staying home with Tate or doing something else?
