Happy Thanksgiving!
I know that I have SO much to be thankful for this year. It's amazing...each year I find myself having more and more to be thankful for. I remember last year at this time I was thanking God for the active little baby boy that I was carrying.
NOW I have that little boy and he's the most amazing thing. He has made it so Blair and I aren't only a couple but now we're a family. What an awesome thing.
Each year I have my students talk/write about what they are thankful for. Now it's my turn...
Here's my 'thankful list'-
I am thankful for....
My family- My awesome husband, little boy, my parents, my brother, my inlaws, and extended family.
My friends- I have such amazing friends that support me and let me 'vent' whenever I need to. :)
My job- After getting 'pink slipped' last spring, I'm very thankful to have my job. I get to spend 180 days a year with 3rd graders! They are a joy (most days...hehe).
My house- It's warm, cozy, and safe!
My Health- So far, so good this year! :)
My Faith- God, my support, because without Him I would have nothing. He's everything!
This Thanksgiving we will be doing lots of traveling. Tonight we will head to Omaha to visit Marc and Amanda in their new house. We are soooo excited to see it! They've been working very hard to make it their home.
Saturday we will head to St. Jospeh, MO to see Aunt Maagie and the rest of the gang (Blair's mom's family)! Then we'll head to Creston to Blair's parents so we can see his grandparents and Grandma Ann!
Happy, safe traveling!
Martina :)